Dog Bite Prevention

This course is for front-line employees and those who are often in field environments. In this course, you'll learn how to mitigate incidents with aggressive dogs, the context for how dogs came to be so intertwined in human civilization, different control methods, and how to respond to dog bite incidents.

Course Overview

This course is for front-line employees and those who are often in field environments.

In this course, you'll learn how to mitigate incidents with aggressive dogs and the context for how dogs came to be so intertwined in human civilization. You'll also explore a variety of hazard controls and different behavioural techniques to reduce your risk of being attacked. During this course, you will gain an understanding of:

  • Domestication and aggression
  • How to recognize dangerous situations
  • Hazards assessment and control implementation
  • Administrative controls to prevent dog bites

Course Topics

  • Understanding domestication and aggression

  • Recognizing dangerous situations
  • Assessing hazards and implementing controls
  • Implementing administrative controls to prevent dog bites
  • Implementing PPE controls to prevent dog bites
  • Encountering aggressive dogs
  • Dog bite incident response