Aerial and Scissor Lifts (CAN)

This online Aerial Lifts and Scissor Lifts course covers the safe operation, inspection and anatomy of powered industrial aerial and scissor lifts.

Course Overview

A Canada-Compliant Training Class Online for Aerial Lifts (Boom Lifts & Scissor Lifts). I-CAB Recognized. This course satisfies Canada's requirements for the classroom portion of operator safety training. Quiz questions along the way prepare you for the final written exam. Upon completion, you will gain access your certificate and a checklist which can be used by your employer to administer the required practical observation.

Course Topics

  • Looks at different types of lifts and their anatomy
  • Shows why it's important to conduct a thorough pre-shift inspection each day before putting a lift into service
  • Looks at aerial lift stability and the importance of knowing the machine's capacity
  • Emphasizes the importance of planning each lift and setting up the machine properly to avoid hazards and obstacles around the work site
  • Identifies the six most common hazards associated with aerial lift operation and explains how to recognize, avoid or minimize them