Course Overview
Bloodborne pathogens are bacteria and viruses that live in blood and other bodily fluids, (which include things like Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV, malaria, and a host of other pathogens including the Ebola* virus.) This course is designed to help learners keep themselves, their coworkers, their friends, and their family safe from exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
Specifically, it will help learners understand the basics of bloodborne pathogens, how to protect themselves, and what to do in the event of an exposure, including the decontamination process.
After completing this course, learners will be able to:
- Explain what bloodborne pathogens are and how they are spread
- Identify the Universal Precautions.
- Identify preventive and control measures to take to help protect against exposure to harmful bloodborne pathogens.
- List the activities to avoid when biohazard materials are present to minimize the chance of spreading infection and exposing others.
- Discuss how to respond to emergencies involving bloodborne pathogens.
- Recognize what to do in the event that exposure to bloodborne pathogens occurs.