Cannabis & the Workplace: Disclosure and Accommodation

This course is intended to give employers, managers, supervisors, and any other professionals directly impacted, an understanding of the ins and outs of disclosure and accommodation.

Course Overview

This course is intended to give employers, managers, supervisors, and any other professionals directly impacted, an understanding of the Ins and outs of disclosure and accommodation, so they will understand the process and the responsibilities it entails.

Course Topics

  • Know how disclosure and accommodation relate to workplace safety and medicinal use of cannabis.
  • Understand disclosure, what it should include, best practices, and rights and responsibilities.
  • Know the limits of accommodation.
  • Be shown some of the more common types of accommodation.
  • Understand rights and responsibilities as they relate to accommodation.
  • Be shown a recommended accommodation process (Based on " Duty to Accommodate: A General Process For Managers" by the Government of Canada).