Cannabis & the Workplace: Employee Overview/Rights and Responsibilities

This course will provide employees and contractors with a basic understanding of cannabis in the context of the workplace, as well as some of the key rights and responsibilities they have.

Course Overview

This course will provide employees and contractors with a basic understanding of cannabis in the context of the workplace, as well as some of the key rights and responsibilities they have.

Course Topics

  • Understand how laws have changed with regard to cannabis through 2018 .
  • Know about and Drug and Alcohol Policy
  • Be explained key terms surrounding workplace safety and cannabis use
  • Understand what awareness means in the context of impairment and work.
  • Understand the difference between recreational and medicinal cannabis use .
  • Know rights and responsibilities that apply to employers, employees, and contractors as they pertain to cannabis.
  • Know when driving is considered a work task.
  • Learn best practices for remaining alert and responding to impairment situations