Entry-Level Driver Training: Communication

This course is designed to introduce learners to the basic principles of communication.

Course Overview

This course is designed to introduce learners to the basic principles of communication. This includes the appropriate processes and procedures on their part when it comes to communicating with others as well as developing the skills to understand the communications of others.

Seeing and being seen is key when it comes to communication. Seeing is being able to focus your attention on the road and the task of driving without getting distracted. Being seen is making your presence and intentions known to other drivers.

This unit must instruct driver-trainees on how to communicate their intentions to other road users. Driver-trainees must be instructed in techniques for different types of communication on the road, including proper use of headlights, turn signals, four-way flashers, and horns. This unit must cover instruction in proper utilization of eye contact techniques with other drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Describe ways to communicate their intent while driving through the use of turn signals and brake lights
  • Discuss how to communicate their presence through the use of headlights, horns, warning devices, and eye contact
  • Explain how eye contact techniques can help communicate with bicyclists, pedestrians, and other drivers

Course Topics

  • Communicating Your Intent While Driving
  • Communicating Your Presence While Driving
  • Communication from Others
  • CB Radio
  • Electronic Device