Course Overview
Hazardous waste is a serious problem that continues to endanger humans, animals, and environmental quality. However, as workers clean up hazardous waste sites, they face safety and health hazards. OSHA issued the Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) Standard to protect workers during cleanup operations and help them handle the wastes safely and effectively.
This HAZWOPER training course is designed to introduce hazardous waste cleanup site hazards, tells the history behind the HAZWOPER Standard, gives on overview of the paragraphs of the standard that impact cleanup workers, covers the different cleanup worker roles and training requirements, and summarizes important worker rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
After completing this course, learners will be able to:- Recognize the importance of hazardous waste cleanup site work and the many hazards that are present at hazardous waste cleanup sites
- Describe the history behind the HAZWOPER Standard and some of the laws that brought it about
- Discuss an overview of the paragraphs of the HAZWOPER Standard that impact cleanup workers
- List the five cleanup worker roles and their training requirements
- Summarize key employee rights and employer responsibilities under the Occupational Safety and Health Act