Course Overview
Cranes are the workhorses that have increased economic growth and productivity in construction, mining, logging, maritime, production and service facilities. It is not uncommon while driving in urban areas to see mobile cranes, tower cranes, and maritime cranes all in a short period of time, performing a wide variety of jobs.
When it comes to manufacturing and repairing ships and boats or to loading and unloading products and machinery, maritime cranes are essential.
From large gantry cranes used to lift containers on and off ships to small swinging jibs used for lifting much smaller loads, training is needed to ensure safe operation and productivity.
This online course covers the anatomy of these cranes and stresses the importance of inspecting them each day before they are put into service.
Training is needed to ensure safe operation and productivity. This online Pedestal Mounted Cranes safety training course meets OSHA requirements for powered industrial mobile cranes.
An OSHA-Compliant Training Class Online for Pedestal Mounted Cranes (Dock, Vessel Cranes). I-CAB Recognized. This course satisfies OSHA's requirements for the classroom portion of operator safety training. Quiz questions along the way prepare you for the final written exam.