261 Seneca Road, Sherwood Park, AB, T8A 4G6
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Hand and Power Tool Safety for Construction
Hand and Power Tool Safety for Construction
This presentation focuses on the importance of hand and power tool safety and the precautions needed to work safely with these tools. Increasing your knowledge about these topics will help reduce the risk of injury when working with tools during construction work. Ideal learners are construction emp...
Safe Lifting in Construction Environments
Safe Lifting in Construction Environments
This online Safe Lifting course provides the information employees need to protect their backs when they are lifting and carrying.
Rigging Safety in Industrial and Construction Environments
Rigging Safety in Industrial and Construction Environments
This online Rigging Safety course is designed to review the hazards associated with rigging and moving loads, and discuss the equipment and safe work practices that employees should use to avoid them.
GHS Safety Data Sheets in Construction Environments
GHS Safety Data Sheets in Construction Environments
This online GHS Safety Data Sheets in Construction Environments reviews the composition of GHS Safety Data Sheets, the information that's contained in each section and how SDS's are different from Material Safety Data Sheets.
Heat Stress in Construction Environments
Heat Stress in Construction Environments
This online Heat Stress in Construction Environments course reviews how heat affects the body, the steps employees can take to prevent heat stress, and elementary first aid that can be given to a worker who has been affected by a heat-related illness.
Trenching and Shoring Safety in Construction Environments
Trenching and Shoring Safety in Construction Environments
This online Trenching & Shoring Safety in Construction Environments course helps facilities comply with OSHA's regulations and safe work practices that can prevent accidents from occurring.
Silica Safety in Industrial and Construction Environments
Silica Safety in Industrial and Construction Environments
This online Silica Safety in Industrial and Construction Environments course explains the hazards that are associated with silica dust, reviews the OSHA standards for industry and construction, and shows employees what they can do to protect themselves from silica dust on the job.
GHS Container Labels in Construction Environments
GHS Container Labels in Construction Environments
This online GHS Container Labeling in Construction Environments course discusses the six types of information contained on a GHS label, and the differences between GHS labels and other types of chemical hazard labels.
Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety in Construction Environments
Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety in Construction Environments
This online Hand, Wrist & Finger Safety in Construction Environments reviews the hand, wrist and finger hazards that employees may encounter on a job site, and show them the equipment and safe work practices they can use to prevent injuries.
Safety Orientation in Construction Environments
Safety Orientation in Construction Environments
This online Safety Orientation in Construction Environments course discusses common hazards that can be encountered on a job site and the safe practices and equipment that workers can use to avoid injuries.
Scissor Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments
Scissor Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments
This online Scissor Lifts in Industrial and Construction Environments course introduces employees to scissor lifts, make them aware of the hazards associated with these lifts and give them the information they need to work safely using a scissor lift or working near one.
Hand and Power Tool Safety in Construction Environments
Hand and Power Tool Safety in Construction Environments
This online Hand & Power Tool Safety in Construction Environments discusses hand and power tool hazards, and show employees the equipment and safe practices they can use to prevent injuries on a job site.
Introduction to GHS for Construction Workers
Introduction to GHS for Construction Workers
This online Introduction to GHS for Construction Workers course reviews what the Globally Harmonized System is all about, why OSHA adopted the GHS, and the phase-in dates for implementing the GHS.
Dealing with Drug & Alcohol Abuse for Managers and Supervisors in Construction Environments
Dealing with Drug & Alcohol Abuse for Managers and Supervisors in Construction Environments
This online Dealing with Drug and Alcohol Abuse... for Managers and Supervisors in Construction Environments course discusses drug and alcohol abuse, the damage it causes to workers and the businesses that employ them, and what should be done to create and maintain a drug and alcohol free job site.
Walking and Working Surfaces in Construction Environments
Walking and Working Surfaces in Construction Environments
This online Walking and Working Surfaces in Construction Environments course training identifies the hazards of different surfaces and provides the practical information and specific procedures employees need to help prevent slips, trips and falls on the job.
Struck-By Hazards in Construction Environments
Struck-By Hazards in Construction Environments
This online Struck-By Hazards in Construction Environments course provides the information employees need to recognize the struck-by hazards that are associated with construction tasks and take steps to avoid them before accidents happen.