261 Seneca Road, Sherwood Park, AB, T8A 4G6
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Canadian Heavy Truck Weight and Dimension Program
Canadian Heavy Truck Weight and Dimension Program
Fleet Safety International, North American Cargo Securement Program covers the NSC Standard 10 Cargo Securement, which regulates weights and dimensions of commercial vehicles that traverse provinces and territories.
Cargo Securement Flatbeds
Cargo Securement Flatbeds
This online course explains the fundamentals of flatbed cargo loading and securement procedures, as well as driver pre-trip and en route responsibilities.
Cargo Securement for Dry Vans
Cargo Securement for Dry Vans
This online course explains key concepts and regulations related to the loading and securement of cargo for dry vans.
Injury Prevention Around Tankers
Injury Prevention Around Tankers
Roadside Inspection for CMV Drivers
Roadside Inspection for CMV Drivers
Prohibiting the Coercion of CMV Drivers
Prohibiting the Coercion of CMV Drivers
Corrective Action Training: 60- or 70-Hour Limit
Corrective Action Training: 60- or 70-Hour Limit
Air Brake Refresher Program
Air Brake Refresher Program
This program teaches the Airbrake concepts detail. The program comes in 3 sections: Sections 1 & 2 represents the full Alberta Curriculum and Section 3 is a set of interactive activities to enhance the learner experience.
Injury Prevention for CMV Drivers
Injury Prevention for CMV Drivers
This online course provides drivers with information about common activities that put them at risk of injury, and teaches strategies for preventing injury while on and off the road.
Defensive Driving for CMV Drivers: Manage Speed & Space
Defensive Driving for CMV Drivers: Manage Speed & Space
This course is designed to help drivers understand how speed and space management can impact their ability to react to hazards and stop when needed.
Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) Overview for Drivers (US)
Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) Overview for Drivers (US)
This online Compliance, Safety & Accountability for Drivers course is designed to provide commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers with important high-level information about the new CSA program.
Hours of Service Rules for Oil & Gas CMV Drivers
Hours of Service Rules for Oil & Gas CMV Drivers
CMV Driver Basics
CMV Driver Basics
This online course provides drivers with basic information about being a CMV driver.