261 Seneca Road, Sherwood Park, AB, T8A 4G6
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Housekeeping on the Job
Housekeeping on the Job
Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (US)
Drugs and Alcohol: The Facts (US)
Introduction to Industrial Hygiene (US)
Introduction to Industrial Hygiene (US)
Cyber Security Awareness
Cyber Security Awareness
An organisation's people, information, operations and systems are critical assets. Protecting the safety, confidentiality, integrity and availability of these assets is essential to maintaining profitability, compliance, public image and a competitive edge.
Cyber security is everyone, res...
Domestic Preparedness Awareness Overview
Domestic Preparedness Awareness Overview
Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis
This online Incident Investigation and Root Cause Analysis course is designed to assist supervisors in responding effectively to incidents by following a well-defined process for investigations with a focus on the 5-WHY Technique.
Due Diligence Awareness
Due Diligence Awareness
This course covers the necessary roles and responsibilities of the workplace supervisor or manager. In this course the student will review the rights and responsibilities of workers, supervisors and employers, and learn how to deal with the appropriate provincial health and safety legislation.
OH&S and the Law for Supervisors
OH&S and the Law for Supervisors
This online OH&S and the Law for Supervisors course offers a comprehensive understanding of the Occupational Health & Safety Act and other key pieces of health and safety legislation for those in supervisory positions within the workplace.
Cannabis & the Workplace: Cannabis Awareness for Employers and Leaders
Cannabis & the Workplace: Cannabis Awareness for Employers and Leaders
This course will provide employers, managers, and supervisors with a comprehensive overview of cannabis, (medicinal and recreational) from a practical and science based perspective.
Cannabis & the Workplace: Employee Overview/Rights and Responsibilities
Cannabis & the Workplace: Employee Overview/Rights and Responsibilities
This course will provide employees and contractors with a basic understanding of cannabis in the context of the workplace, as well as some of the key rights and responsibilities they have.
Confined Space – Awareness Training (CAN)
Confined Space – Awareness Training (CAN)
This course will focus on general safety principles and provide information that will increase your recognition of potential confined spaces, improve your knowledge of safe operations, and keep you and those around you safe.
ICS 200 Awareness
ICS 200 Awareness
Basic Incident Command System, I-200 is an awareness level course that introduces how the Incident Command System (ICS) is used to manage Single Resources and the management required for initial action incidents and provides the foundation for higher level ICS training.