261 Seneca Road, Sherwood Park, AB, T8A 4G6
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Chainsaw Safety (Ontario)
Chainsaw Safety (Ontario)
Chainsaw safety is critically important as chainsaws are often the most dangerous tool on a work site. This online Chainsaw Safety course, which references Ontario legislation, will increase understanding of the dangers of chainsaws and the steps required to operate them safely.
Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS)
Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS)
Workplace injuries are costly. They are also foreseeable and preventable. This online Behaviour-Based Safety course is designed to heighten awareness to at-risk situations and provide the tools necessary to change at-risk behaviours before they cause an injury in the workplace.
Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring Safety
Excavation, Trenching, and Shoring Safety
Respiratory Protection (UL)
Respiratory Protection (UL)
Tasks and Corrective Actions
Tasks and Corrective Actions
Tasks and corrective actions give you a chance to put everything you learned during inspections and observations to work so that you can improve safety. Take this online course to learn about the important factors that should help you determine appropriate corrective actions and best practices.
Firefighting & Fire Extinguisher Safety
Firefighting & Fire Extinguisher Safety
This online course provides the basic knowledge and skills required to fight a small fire. Topics include types of fires, fire extinguishers, and extinguishing agents; fire extinguisher operation; and firefighting procedures.